Kaukapartio is a local group for girl guides and boy scouts. Our meeting places are located in Kaukajärvi (Keskisenkatu 20) and Levonmäki or Annala (Hikivuorenkatu 63). Local parish Messukylän seurakunta is the main source of funding for us, but religion is in such role that most people will feel comfortable with us.
This page is intended to those families, where children speak fluent Finnish, but their parents prefer English. So please send your questions to Riitta Niemistö (riitta.niemisto(a)kaukapartio.fi)
1. Where do I get neckerchiefs, badges, uniforms, etc?
Nearest place to buy scouting equipment is Scandinavian outdoor store located in Stockmann, 3rd floor. We sell only our own badges (one for neckerchief and another for sleeve, 1.50€ each) and college shirts with our logo (17 €) that cub scouts (sudenpennut) use as their uniforms and older guides and scouts as their informal outfit.